A great new website - NewsGulp.com

I have a tough time keeping up with fellow bloggers and their recipes. There are so many Indian cuisine related blogs that its not fun anymore to go check out each of them for new recipes. Add to that the need to keep yourself updated with all sorts of news and current events, so that you dont feel like an ignorant idiot during those lunch discussions and arguments with co-workers.

NewsGulp.com is a new aggregation site focussing on the content that would interest the Indian community on the web. NewsGulp provides news from a varity of sources and also features blogs, videos and podcasts. In the blogs section, they have sections featuring popular tech,personal and food blogs. I was amazed to see recipes from my blog listed with other popular Indian cooking blogs. :-). The Food blogs section, though currently limited to recipes from only 12 blogs, is very useful. I am hoping that more food blogs would be added once they realise that a lot of users are interested in food related blogs.

So guys check out NewsGulp.com and let me know if you find it as useful as i do.


FH said…
Interesting! Like Indo link and rediff! will check out!
Anonymous said…
Hmm! I guess you didn't like my review of NewsGulp, eh? :-D

Are you associated with it? Any clues why it would be on a shared server?

Do tell!!

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