Fruit Kebabs with Banana Yogurt Dip


Almost ripe banana - 1
Ghee - 1 tbsp
Honey - 1 tbsp
Yogurt - 4 tbsp
Assorted fruits (mango, kiwi, strawberry, pineapple and Grapes) - all cubed
Mint leaves - for garnishing


Heat ghee in a pan and add sliced banana. Fry till it turns golden brown and then let it cool. Blend the banana with honey and yogurt and refridgerate till ready to serve.

Skew the assorted fruit cubes in a wooden skewer and serve with the chilled dip, garnish with a few mint leaves. This is my entry to JFI-Banana event hosted by Mandira of Ahaar.


Sreelu said…
Deepz, this is so yummy, I have to try this right away.
Lissie said…
deepz, i am sure the banana yogurt dip would be heavenly! nice entry.
mb said…
wow, innovative, quick and delicious... my favorite kind :) Thank you for your entry.
ME said…
It is a little too sweet for me, but sounds really creative, Deepa
Kribha said…
Beautiful presentation. Got to try this for a get together.
Sharmi said…
waw delicious looking dip. heavenly! very creative and interesting.
Sig said…
That is a great fruit dip.... very creative entry!
Deepz said…
Thanks guys. It is a quick and easy recipe and gr8 for entertaining.
Mansi said…
I make these fruit kababs all the time..its our favourite snack, we add cheese to the sticks and have it with strawberry yoghurt as dipping!:) I also have it on my blog! you banana dip sounds like a nice variation:)
Deepz said…
Thanks Mansi. I am sure cheese is a great addtion. Will try it next time.

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