My First Entry

My cooking adventures started pretty late. I grew up as a typical city girl from India who never had the need to cook as I lived with my parents till I finished my undergraduate study. To get good food all I had to do was walk into the kitchen and relish on my mom’s home cooked meals which was way tasty and always readily available. I grew up listening to my mom say that I need to learn cooking as it would help me at my in-laws place and my dad saying that I need not go sweat and tire myself in the kitchen. Once I moved to the US for my masters degree that’s when I started cooking, out of pure necessity. I realized I couldn’t survive on buns and bread for a long time and craved RICE. Yes I AM a SOUTH INDIAN and I love rice. Just the word by itself. Anyway it’s been 5yrs since I started cooking and now I can call myself atleast a “JACK OF THE TRADE”. I’ve developed a passion for cooking and experimenting with new recipes and I can proudly say that people who come home for dinner are more than happy with my food. Enough of my history of how it all started.
Here I AM, starting my own cooking blog. I am not sure if I will be regularly posting recipes but will try as much as possible to do so.
"Part of the secret of success in life is to eat what you like and let the food fight it out inside."
- Mark Twain
That’s exactly my way of thinking. I eat what I like and hence cook what I like.


Deepz said…
Thanks arps. Will try to post as often as possible.
Unknown said…
A very warm welcome to the world of foodblogging. All the best to u.

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