
Last evening I went home early and decided to make an evening snack. During the day I was browsing through other food blogs and the samosas I saw on hooked on heat were very inviting. Also last week I went to a friend's place and helped her make samosas. So I decided to follow the same recipe and method from hooked on heat. Making samosas were always a frightening thing as I always thought the task impossible. But they were not so complicated and did turn out well. I served them with tamarind chutney and green chutney.

I made 4 yesterday and froze the rest so that I can make them whenever I want to in the coming days.


FH said…

Love samosas :)
Sudha said…
Hi Deepz,the samosa looks delicious..lovely have a great blog..hope u will not mind me if i link you to my blog roll..
Deepz said…
Hi Sudha,
Thanks for the comment and also for linking my blog.
Vineela said…
Hi Deepz,
samosa is my all time fovurite.
Thanks for sharing.
I mentioned the dishes on photo itself.(If you move cursor on photo you can see the names of recipes)
Thanks for visiting my blog
I replied to your mail ,Deepz.
Vineela said…
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